Coming this month in Velocity...

We are starting a new virtue this Sunday! I mean, it's Easter and we're starting a new virtue...what more could you ask for?

During the month of April we are going to be talking all about FRIENDSHIP. Friendship is spending time with someone you trust and enjoy. We are going to camp out on the verse Proverbs 17:17, "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." (NIV) for the whole month. So, by the end we want you to know how to choose a good friend and what that really looks like in your life. You know, Proverbs 17:17 is a great verse because it says a friend does two things for you...

1. A friend loves at all times. A true friend is someone who is kind to you when you're happy or sad. They are someone who sticks with you when things are going great or when things aren't going so hot. A friend is someone who loves you even when you aren't very nice yourself.

2. A brother is born for adversity. Now, this part might be a little tricky, but what this means is that a brother, or a friend, is around when trouble comes. A true friend is by your side when you're in trouble, or when you're getting picked on.

I'm excited to talk about the idea of FRIENDSHIP with all our Velocity kids. I love my friends and I'm so thankful that I have friends who love me no matter what and are there for me when I have problems.

See you all Sunday!

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What we believe...

We believe that what happens at home is really more important than what happens at church...

Think about it...

In one year, if you and your family never miss a Sunday at church, your child will get 52 hours with their small group leader, studying God's Word. Now, 52 hours is a great amount! I can't think of many people who I get to spend that much intentional time with in one year.

But, think about your family. How much time do you think you spend together in one year? If you think about it, your family (minus time sleeping and at school) spends about 2,500 hours together a year! 2,500!

So, what would happen if parents took that 2,500 hours a year and were extremely intentional with their time. What if parents used the time in the car driving to talk about things like patience, honesty, friendship, and honor? What if parents taught their kids how to pray for others? What if parents took it upon themselves to help their kids learn how to put others first.

We want to help you become the best parent that you can be. We want to equip parents to be intentional about their time with their kids. So, that's what we're creating with this blog!

Here we'll give you tools to help connect what your child is learning on Sunday to what you're doing with your family!

Stay tuned...

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